MAKO Experience App
Client: Stryker's MAKO Robotics Product team
Role: Creative Director
Description: App for MAKO surgeons to track certification training and browse product information

iPhone and iPad

iPad, Laptop, and Desktop

MAKO Landing Page
Client: Stryker's MAKO Robotics Product team
Role: Creative Director/Designer
Description: Landing Page for MAKO System Site on

Click for whole Landing Page Scroll

Print and Social Campaign for Stryker's Training Academy Program
Client: Stryker's Trauma and Extremities team
Role: Creative Director/Designer
Description: Campaign to promote Stryker's Training Academy Program and App
Digital Magazines for Trauma Training
Client: Stryker's Trauma and Extremities team
Role: Creative Director/Designer
Description: Landing Page for Training Material delivered through iSELL App

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